Welcome to Beatrice, our American assistant !

Her name is Beatrice Rios.
She is 25 years old. She has 2 dogs. Their names are Trigger and Lucy.
Her favorite animal is the cat. She lives in California.
Her favorite series is Better Call Saul. Her favorite video game is Final Fantasy. She loves pain au chocolat.
Her favorite subject is Art.
Beatrice’s dream is to live in France and her dream job is to be a teacher.

by Lilou Buisse

Her name is Beatrice Rios .
She was born on July 4th 1997.
She is twenty five years old .
Beatrice loves cats but she can’t have one because she has got two dogs.

Her favorite series is « Better all saul », « final fantasyXIV » is her favourite video game and her favourite ​film is « the tale of princes Kaguya » .

The dream of Beatrice is to live in France and her dream job is to become a teacher.
She enjoys art, that’s her favourite subject but she doesn’t like sport .

by Lilou Le Molaire